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39 Movie Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Extremely good animation...

... but having to constantly press Space is pretty annoying, is there really any point to it?
Apart from that though this a very good vid. Like I said the animation is great, although doing close-ups on sprites can be risky due to massive pixelation and all that. Sound was good and the story itself was fun engaging, some genuinely funny lines in there as well. I like that there was a scene select too. All in all a great movie other than the Space bar thing.


Comepletely random, and a great take on forums and chainmail. I love it!

Kuoke responds:

That was the plan. ;P


Very nice job man, I'm likin everything about it so far. Cant wait for the next one :o)


Its about boody time someone made a LoK flash, and I'm pleased to say it was rather good as well :o) Do another! But would it be possible to do one based on a plot from the games?

"Thats what I got the bear for."

Y'know I'm starting to wonder if it's actually possible for David Firth to make a bad flash, it doesnt seem likely when you look at stuff like this, Well done matey keep on trippin.


That was great man, I mean really great. You caught the feel of the day, the numbness of everything breaking away from the norm. I am amazed my friend this is extremely impressive.

I'd also like to add a quote that pretty much sums up the feeling of us people in the UK (especially the people in London), it goes to show that it dont matter how hard you knock us down, we'll bounce back up alot harder:

"I've been blown up by a better class of bastard than this!" - Old Londoner who lived through the Blitz and got caught up in the Canary Wharf explosion.

atomic-99 responds:

Thanks a lot, it's great to hear from someone from the UK on this. Love the quote!

Good. But...

The sound was way too quiet and the animation was a bit jumpy. Other than that it was a bloody good first try. Keep up the good work :o)

Star Wars 7?

LMAO That is some funny shit right there, Freddy Kruger with a lightsaber glove, that is inspired! Do more stuff like this but make it longer :oD

Blimey guv...

That is totally awsome dude, the only thing I can find wrong with it is the wresting sketch, seemed a bit out of place. But appart from that you've done an amazing job man, do some more!!



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